Friday, June 21, 2024

Busy Week


I worked in the flowerbeds. Jo had given me three plants. The perennial required a good-sized hole so Corkey used a shovel to help me.


A beautiful gift arrived in the mail. My friend Mary made this gorgeous journal with the theme of books and reading. It's a work of art and certainly a treasure! When I get my nerve up I want to write inside it about the books that have touched my life. 

Page after page has pockets with great quotes.

Love the tiny book attached to the cover and the bead tassel.
The colors are perfect throughout the journal.


Lauren had asked me to come and help out with the girls since the day care was closed. Tallulah and Etta are precious granddaughters I get to enjoy. 



Corkey and I had an evening dinner with friends at Harry's Italian Restaurant. It was our first time to dine there. Food and service were excellent.


Time inside on this very hot day allowed me time to paint. 

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