Friday, June 21, 2024

Busy Week


I worked in the flowerbeds. Jo had given me three plants. The perennial required a good-sized hole so Corkey used a shovel to help me.


A beautiful gift arrived in the mail. My friend Mary made this gorgeous journal with the theme of books and reading. It's a work of art and certainly a treasure! When I get my nerve up I want to write inside it about the books that have touched my life. 

Page after page has pockets with great quotes.

Love the tiny book attached to the cover and the bead tassel.
The colors are perfect throughout the journal.


Lauren had asked me to come and help out with the girls since the day care was closed. Tallulah and Etta are precious granddaughters I get to enjoy. 



Corkey and I had an evening dinner with friends at Harry's Italian Restaurant. It was our first time to dine there. Food and service were excellent.


Time inside on this very hot day allowed me time to paint. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Days To Treasure

Spending time with Tallulah and Etta is always a pleasure.

One of my favorite pastimes is browsing the booths at an antique mall.

Lovely pair of angels

My eyes are always drawn to highchairs and children's chairs. 

These old frames were really pretty.
I seriously thought about them.

This bottle was fascinating with all the objects adhered to it.

I miss coke in the glass bottles. 
Back then the taste was superb.

Have been trying to update my Simple Journaling notebook. Several months got away from me, and now I'm playing catch up. 

Have also been adding pages to my second leather art journal. Love spending quiet time in the art room.

Thankful for these June days to treasure.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

To Us

 Happy Anniversary to us!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Month #6

 It seems unreal that June is already here. This year is moving faster than the last one or so it seems. The last four days of May were spent in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It was my first time to travel with three lady friends from church. They were fun to be with, and I certainly needed a short break from my routine.

We enjoyed the breakfast buffet at the Crescent Hotel two mornings.

Our rental was simple by comparison, but it had some unforgettable features.
My two favorites were the stained glass window in the kitchen and pretty light fixture in the living room.

Of course, I took many pictures on the trip. Too many to post here.

The Christ of the Ozarks

One of many colorful houses on the tour

There was an outdoor market near the house where we stayed . I enjoyed talking to a young artist named Jessica. Her paintings were excellent and so was her pottery.

My brother had suggested we see Thorncrown Chapel.
It was a lovely sight to experience in the woods. 

trip mementos

Two more photos at the rental that were on the outside

I was happy to get back home to Corkey and also to find the day lilies blooming.


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