at home most of the time
It is amazing how fast each week slips by. Plans and projects are often put on the back burner because the daily routines of life dominate. I want to carve out more time for creating...whether it's putting items in a collage, making tags, or filling a canvas with paint. Wishing you time to do the things you want to do...thanks for visiting...Always, Sandy
I've found that I have to steal time for myself. Working a full time job, home, marriage, kids, all the business of life, leaves precious little. Sometimes I have to close the door on it all and make myself be still and create. It's the only way for me.
Hope you can carve out some time just for you Sandy. I know you take care of many, I hope you will take care of Sandy as well.
I love love love the picture of you holding your mothers hand. Its precious!!! XOXO
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