The hutch is one of my favorite pieces of furniture. It has been with me through three house moves.
I snapped this photo 'cause I want to share decorating on a budget. The wreath is several years old, but the gold spiral trees are new. Although I have been looking for vintage bottle brush decorated trees, these are wonderful substitutes. They were at Walgreens this year. The one dollar price tag on each little beauty was my kind of bargain. They came in several different colors, but I liked the gold ones best.
I've enjoyed sharing this first installment of Christmas decorating around the house. Come back and visit anytime. And I certainly want to thank those who have taken the time to leave comments. You make me smile. Thanks again!
3 comments: the Merry banner!
...are those old school houses on top
of your hutch?..think I remember you collect those?
...I don't have my hutch anymore..but had one that I used in several rooms...even took the pieces apart..I picked it out myself for my bedroom when I was in grade school..thanks for the hutch memory :)
I remember unwrapping those nativity scene characters every year and carefully placing them in the arrangement that I thought best suited them!
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