Thursday, September 19, 2024

Autumn Vibes

 We are a couple of days away from autumn, but I've been decorating ahead of time. Just couldn't wait until the official date. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

It's Fun To Be One

 It's been a fast and exciting year watching Etta grow. Her first birthday party on Saturday was a special and happy event. Family and friends celebrated with her enjoying food, opening of gifts, cake, and conversation. 

Tallulah was a helpful big sister on Etta's big day.

Etta is now an active walker and busy explorer.
Her smile lights up a room.
She is our sunshine.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Soooo Special

 That's my daughter Lauren Ashley Gann. She has shown tremendous strength this past year after the loss of her husband Justin. She lovingly cares for Tallulah Grace and Etta Ryan while missing Justin at the same time.

The framed portrait is one of Lauren.

Her little girls were napping at our house, and that's how this picture came to be.

I always dreamed of having a daughter, and that dream came true on 9/9/81. Now Lauren is experiencing the wonder and joy of being a mother.



Thursday, September 5, 2024

A Special Birthday

 We celebrated Corkey's 80th birthday for several days, starting on August 28th and ending on September 2nd. His actual birthday was September 1st.

 Granddaughter Kiera alerted me to their secret plan on August 8th. It was hard to keep that secret for days. What a surprise party we had! Les, Pennee, Kiera, Chloe, Lauren, Tallulah, Etta, Brenda, Bruce, Chance, Jeff, Jasmine, Jack, and Jason all converged  at once for the early birthday surprise gathering. We enjoyed foods, cake, laughs, and "Happy Birthday" singing to Kiera's playing of the song. I was able to capture the music and fun moments in a short video.

Kiera and Chloe are great babysitters and loving cousins to Tallulah and Etta. 

But you should see Corkey's face when these little ones are here. He's a very happy Granddad.

Corkey heard another version of "Happy Birthday" as the church congregation sang it for him on his actual birthday, Sunday, September 1. 

On Labor Day Corkey got to see many relatives and friends and heard more Happy Birthday greetings. The barbecue was excellent once again with a multitude of side dishes and desserts.

I snapped this photo of Lauren and the girls before we headed to the Community Center. I loved their color-coordinated outfits.

I wish I had taken more pictures on Labor Day, but watching Tallulah and Etta proved interesting and a tiny bit nerve-racking. Tallulah walked around all the tables and climbed up on the stage, happy and confident with no fear at all. Etta was passed around from arms to arms, smiling at everyone.

Sorry this is a late post, but life keeps happening faster than I can keep up. Hope the fall season is a good one for all.


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