Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Mixed Feelings

 I'm happy to be alive, but this world can sure get you down. With tragedies and  diseases and deaths there is tremendous sadness. Recently I came across these words that a friend shared on Facebook -

"Life is better when you make space for what you love...

This world will rob you of every ounce of happiness you possess if you let it...

You have to be intentional about giving yourself something to look forward to...

You have to prioritize your joy."

                                                                            Vintage Curator Interiors

                                                                             London, United Kingdom                                                                

I really do try to appreciate each day now that I'm older. I took my youthful days for granted. Aging presents problems I don't want to deal with but must face. Wish our earthly lifetimes could be longer so we could do more with spouses, children, grandchildren, and friends. 

Well, tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully I will spend it well.

P.S. Snapped these photos tonight so you could see a few things I make space for... 

a new plant

green glass cloche

this sweet brass vase

Thanks for stopping by and reading tonight's post.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


My thoughts keep switching back and forth. Past events and episodes are with me one minute, and recent stuff is back the next. Sometimes memories are wonderful, but other times disturbing. My mind needs a vacation.

Sunday gave me a welcome break. Lauren was here with the girls. Later Jo dropped by and played alphabet and word games with Tallulah. Soon after Olga arrived with Gunner, Nick, and Lucas. To have the den filled with family members was just what my tired spirit needed. 

 Also time over in the art room is another way to relieve mental stress.

So this quote reminds me - 


Sunday, July 7, 2024

July's Famous Holiday

 America celebrated another birthday. May God bless America as we go forward.

This picture was taken by my daughter Lauren at Central Gardens' neighborhood 4th of July parade.

 May Tallulah and Etta grow up safely in the USA.

Summer has already given us some very serious hot weather.

Monday, July 1, 2024


Many blogs stop

and leave you wondering...

What happened?

But since I write and record for my own enjoyment I keep hitting the keys and sharing my life in words and pictures. Tallulah and Etta were here Sunday, providing hours of delight.


This first day of July was glorious. Corkey and I spent most of it outside. After our chores of mowing and weed pulling we sat in the swing, soaking in the sights and sounds of our own backyard. 



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