Wednesday, June 28, 2023

"Whatever Pleases"

Certain magazine articles with decorating ideas I have kept in a notebook. Now and then I pull out that notebook for fresh inspiration. 

 This article is a favorite of mine. In it we are reminded to decorate our homes with what we love.

This reading rabbit is one of those "whatever pleases."
He has been moved several times. He's now on a shelf in the utility room and continues to make me smile.

This quote is over in the art room, reminding me it's okay to create art, even if it's not well done.

Little Library That's Special

 The stained glass window in the church library honors Corkey's parents. They were very active members, especially with the Methodist Youth Fellowship.

 I first shared pictures of the library space in October of 2019.

Corkey wanted one of my angel paintings for that room. 

The Rejoice angel is also in the library room.

These paintings may change from season to season or they might not.
I know I really want to paint angels again.
It's almost time.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Recovery Is Coming

I know my arm will continue to get better if I keep doing my exercises and using it more and more. June's Quito Market today was a pleasant outing for me. I met a vendor who I hope to see again. I asked Tonya if I could share some of her creations on this blog, and she gladly agreed. Choosing was hard because she had several  items I really liked. A ring made from one small spoon was my gift to myself.

I really enjoyed meeting and talking to Tonya.

I'm wearing my new ring on my right middle finger and loving it, Tonya. 
Hopefully swelling on the fingers of my left hand will go down before long, and
I may want another vintage silverware ring. 

Thanks, Tonya, for being so friendly and having a lovely display.


Saturday, June 3, 2023


 Someone shared this quote on Facebook, and it was just the right words for me as I am entering the third month of waiting and healing.

"Patience is not just the ability to wait, it's the courage to endure the waiting without losing hope."

I spend quiet time each morning in this closet nook.
 Sometimes it's the best spot in the whole house.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Oh My, It's June

 Dealing with pain and loss of mobility has complicated my life. But with physical therapy my left arm is slowly improving. April and May were taken up by the fall, a two week wait for surgery, first surgery, a plate breaking requiring the second surgery to insert a larger plate to the bone, wearing a plastic brace for an extended time, and doing hand, wrist, and elbow exercises. Shoulder therapy next. So patience and hope must keep me going until recovery is complete.

Sorry about the gross photos, but they remind me of what I have been through and how lucky I've been to have Corkey's help and love.


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