Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Another Shopping Experience

My friend Kim and I spent Tuesday on the Covington Square and visited shop after shop. Oh, my goodness, there were so many Christmas sights in every store.

The first antique shop we visited had a talking Santa. Since we weren't expecting it to move and talk, it was a bit startling.

 At Upscale Resale these red and green deer ornaments were a lovely bargain due to  50% 0ff. 

 We had lunch at Old Town Hall Cafe.

 A friendly lady offered to take our picture.

I only snapped one photo of the outside decorations, but there were many to enjoy.

At another shop I decided on two pretty ornaments. Once I had them home, I snipped off the hanging loop and placed them in glass containers in make- believe snow. I placed the dainty trees on each end of the piano.

My biggest purchase was a lantern that I added fairy lights to. The wreath was an old one I decided to use with the lantern.

Soon Christmas will be here. I've been getting some gifts wrapped.

Also made two different styles of Christmas cards for family members using rubber stamps and paint.


mary Eldred said...

i really like the stroller outside that store. My favorite of your stuff if the lantern!!

BitsAndPieces said...

My favorite, too! There was so much to
tempt the pocketbook. In every store I saw
lovely items that I really liked.


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