I save certain old magazines. Often I clip just an article or a particular picture, but sometimes a magazine issue must be kept. My hubby doesn't approve, but I cannot toss issues that contain so much good stuff. This 1999 October issue of Victoria is one of those that I refer to again and again, especially pages 74-77. Love those framed clovers and old books! Another thing I have always loved is the passage by Henry Drummond. It hung in my mother's hallway for years. When she moved into her apartment here, it was placed up in the attic for storage. Recently when I checked on my Mother's stored items, I found that parts of the decoupaged verse had been eaten away...more than likely by a very hungry mouse. Well, I have been working with stains to cover up the damage. Then there's the new art piece I found at Big Lots. I passed it up the first day I saw it on display in the store, but went back the next day to secure her. I thought it was the only one, but discovered four in a pile. The simplicity of the pose as well as the colors appealed to me. And it helps that white wall!
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