Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
In the Mood for Art
That quote is unforgettable. "Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place."
- Zora Neale Hurston
When you enjoy something, you keep at it... even when you know you don't possess great talent. Art is like that for me. I enjoy it so I keep creating.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
One Day At A Time
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's On My Desk
Since I spend time at my desk, I like to surround myself with small cherished treasures. I look at them and remember pleasurable times. Sometimes a few desk accessories get buried under papers and assorted junk, but after a while I clear the clutter away. Two handy items are the clip for receipts and the letter opener. Here's
an antiquing story about the letter opener holder...actually a candle holder. I noticed it and told myself I really didn't need it. I passed on it. But on a followup trip I noticed it again. The price was reduced because the booth owner was closing down and moving to another state. Because this person was always so friendly and cordial, I decided I wanted a keepsake reminder of her. So I have it as well as the special memories connected to it. Have a lovely Thursday by crossing someone's path and making it better. Hugs, Sandy
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Autumn's Arrival
I join a whole bunch of others who love the season of autumn. Being a redhead all my life(with a little help from Clairol these days) probably has something to do with loving fall colors...brown, green, and rust are wardrobe favorites. Of course, the delightfully cooler weather goes without saying. I'm getting ready to enjoy this special time of the year when
nature puts on a spectacular show.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Charming with Nicks and Cracks
I am fond of this little pencil cup. Its flaws
it all
more charming
to me.
Hope your Monday has been a meaningful one. I am trying to make each day count. I no longer want to take any days for granted.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Scoops and spools
Sometimes I use the one in front as holder for a votive candle.
We received more rain. Actually downpours. Therefore, hair appointment and grocery store shopping with my mom were cancelled. Reading, writing, and puttering were today's rainy day activities. One of the very first collections I ever started was old scoops. Years ago in Obion, Tennessee, there was a two-story building that housed lots of wonderful old things and was named Depot Antiques. My favorite room was near the back where all sorts of kitchen items were hanging. I was captivated by the small scoops(and still am). Recently I decided to pull them out of the big cookie cutter jar and give them their own jar along with a few biscuit cutters. More puttering produced a new bedside table display with old wooden spools. And finally with autumn fast approaching I pulled out my two favorite frames with leaves and dates bringing back special memories.
Until next time...stay well...and enjoy your weekend. Hope you do some puttering.
Hugs, Sandy
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Our puppy Scooter is six months old and a bundle of energy. He is always moving and scampering about so a picture of him is hard to get. Cork patted him so I could snap a quick picture. This afternoon while we were outside with Scooter the sun made its appearance after days of clouds and rain. What a welcome sight! I emptied flowerpot saucers of standing water and noticed a cute group of mushrooms in one planter...also noted more and more leaves on the ground and a definite nip in the air. Earlier in the day I had made a quick trip by the store booth so I could dust and rearrange a few things. Old ice tongs, cornflower teapot, and train planter were no longer there...yeah!..feels good when items have new homes.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I'm typing at the computer and putting off such tasks as folding clothes and ironing.Rain has made for lots of indoor time. For the past two days I have watched the specials on Patrick Swayze's life, made calls to the hospital about my friend who had surgery, and helped with mom's meals and needs. Yesterday we kept one grandson who stayed home from school due to a stomach virus. Rainy, moody days... but bright, crisp days are COMING!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Renewed Interest
After seeing the beautiful garden areas of some of yesterday's homes, I have a fresh interest in plants. There were lovely potted plants on front porches, along walkways, and in corners of patios. It made you want to rush out and try nurturing new plants for more blooms throughout autumn. The fall mums of gold, russet, yellow, and orange are starting to appear at stores. I'm thinking of changing out my pink impatiens and geraniums. Another gardening desire I have is to purchase tulip bulbs and have then ready for later planting. If only I had a few more planters...if only there wasn't the matter of expense.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Home Tour
Daughter Lauren and I enjoyed the six homes featured in the 33rd Annual Central Gardens Home and Garden Tour. They were representative of the Arts and Crafts architectural style. Central Gardens is located in Midtown Memphis and is known for its historic homes and gardens. Of course, I liked hearing about the history of each place and seeing how they were decorated.
Friday, September 11, 2009
ABC's - art, blessings, and blogging community
This date stirs memories of that awful day in 2001. It forces us to remember the many who died. It makes us grateful for our families and our daily routines. We are so blessed to be living in America.
I worked on some new art tags in the studio. Quiet time alone...for a couple of hours concerns melted away...
Before too long I will reach my 200th post...hard to believe. Blogging has proven to be very rewarding. A big THANK YOU to all those who drop by and a huge THANK YOU to those who take the time to leave comments. I hope there are enough visitors and interest for a first giveaway at Bits and Pieces. I'm gathering a few items and will be posting about them soon.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
That's my favorite math fact because it's the birth date of my daughter. Today she is twenty-eight, and I can hardly believe it. The years passed by quickly as did the stages of her life - infant, toddler, youngster, teenager, college kid, young businesswoman. She's a joy to know and such a blessing in my life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAUREN!!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Wonderful Time
This Labor Day weekend was special. Son Les and wife Pennee were here from California. Of course, their Thursday-Tuesday visit went by quickly. Family and friends gathered yesterday for an outdoor picnic in our backyard. Such an array of delicious dishes! However, the perfectly cooked barbecue was the main fare of the celebration, a long tradition of the Clowes family.
Plans over the next few days
- Eat less.
- Exercise more.
- Enjoy cooler temperatures.
- End negative thoughts since positive ones are better.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September begins...
We have added some new furniture to our den area and have been rearranging pieces in other parts of the house. The den room could use some additional accents...maybe an area rug, pillows, throw, or coffee table.
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