The nativity is prominently displayed. The tree is decorated.
The holiday vignettes are in place. Christmas cards are
mailed. Most shopping errands are done.
Therefore, I am relishing these remaining days of quiet. Soon there will be out-of-town family members and a great deal more noise and activity. But oh, I am so thankful for family, friends, and home.

Sadly I dropped and broke this Santa figurine. Repaired him but the tiny bear in the stocking is minus one ear.
These small treasures on the writing desk shelves have big memories attached to them. The green boxes on the center shelf are new, thanks to a birthday
gift card to Hobby Lobby from Olga.
I have enjoyed sitting at this desk and addressing cards while listening to Christmas tapes. That's my old Panasonic cassette recorder from school days on the floor.
We moved Mother's bedroom suite into the extra bedroom/computer room.
The twin bed was put in storage. Jo took the bookcase/desk unit to his house for Gunner's room. The idea to pile old bulbs around the squirrel came from someone I follow on Instagram(kelly.elko) With Pinterest, Instagram, blogs, decorating magazines and books there's a continuous supply of holiday ideas.
But the main problem I have is limited space for the layers of goodness.
Stay warm.
Be thankful.
Anticipate Christmas joys.
Keep traditions.
Believe in the miracle of His birth.