Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Days of Our Lives

I think of that soap opera title every now and then, especially as one month ends and a new one begins. The days are passing quickly, reminding me to enjoy them while I'm able.

Discarding many old letters and cards has not been easy for me. There were some I couldn't bring myself to throw away because I simply love handwritten messages. Three hatboxes were full of tied up bundles. So many memories came flooding back - dating, shopping, Vietnam, marriages, births - as I reread my collection of long ago correspondence. 

At one local store I saw this sign on a shelf and smiled. My plan is to narrow down my collections this year.

A good friend brought me a late Christmas bag of goodies. We missed getting together during the holidays due to sickness. This kitchen towel had the perfect colors and message. It's too pretty to use!

Yesterday I tried painting, but there was no creative spark. I guess I need to get back into a routine of daily practice. 

Until next time...
Take Care!


mary Eldred said...

I am cleaning out some of my collections too. It is hard to part with some things and easier to let others go. I find once it is gone i forget I ever had it. Old age has some advantages. These things mean nothing to my family. Some collections are probably silly, but I loved the items.

BitsAndPieces said...

Mary, you and I think alike. Your message
made me smile, especially the part about
old age has some advantages. For a
sentimental old soul like me getting rid
of stuff is truly hard. Love you, dear friend!


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