Sometimes things just come old frame from the recent estate sale; the card image I once displayed on the windowsill in mother's room at the nursing home; the Willow Tree Mother Daughter gift from friends Alice and Carla after Mother's passing.
These two types of miniature books came from my Grandmother Crum. I had more, but sold three bundles in the store booth. One bundle had little books of poetry. What was I thinking? Should have been a hoarder that day.
Some time ago this Goodwill metal piece held balls of twine over in the art studio. I moved it to hold the tiny red books.
Sometimes the oddest little things attract my attention. This sturdy
saucer turned up at Goodwill.

Not sure what I want to place under the glass.
The smiling bookworm will do for now. He stayed on my kitchen windowsill until he was promoted to the living room. All because of the lone saucer.
Well, those are some little things that add glee around here.
P.S. Keep dreaming, moving, and smiling.