"Wait on the Lord: be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen thine heart:
wait, I say, on the Lord."
Psalm 27:14

Psalm 27:14
Corkey and I visited Mother yesterday and tried our best to bring a few smiles to her face. We are realizing more and more that she prefers sleep to us. She is soooo tired. But as long as she recognizes us, talks a little to us, and presses our hands, we know it's been a wonderful visit. On her best days I get a strong hug, and when I say," I love you, Mom" she replies "I love you, too." Precious words.
I have been spending some of my time rearranging items here in the house. I brought the desk organizer from the art room to the guest bedroom.

I like its side handles, the slot for writing pen, and the dividers.
That flower frog is waiting for just the right postcard or note.
Happy Saturday, dear friends, wherever you are.