Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Love of Baskets

This heart basket hides an old thermostat.

This basket belonged to my daddy's oldest sister.
She wrote her name and town on the bottom of it.

Baskets can hold all sorts of things making them very handy.

These extra picnic baskets and other baskets are stacked in a corner of the utility room.

Toy baskets

I have many more baskets. Some I just display while others are used as storage containers for holiday items, toy blocks, magazines, etc. I have placed several in my store booth hoping to thin out this particular collection.
When I first started thinking of a post for today I was going to do a Three Word Thursday... Basking in Baskets. I really do like many kinds of baskets...painted, plain, small, or large. These ten provide a brief, quick view of my love of baskets.
Are you a basket lover, too?

1 comment:

BugnLVoe said...

Most of my Longaberger baskets are in the attic. :-O



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