Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday Already

After reading a couple of articles on drying hydrangeas I decided to give it a try. I'm not feeling very confident about it even though the information said it was easy. Probably it's just a matter of luck. Many blossoms outside have started to droop plus are developing brown spots so hubby and I will be cutting the plants back very soon. I tucked that vintage bird in among my cups and saucers...turned it so you see more yellow than blue. It once belonged to my husband's mother. The Lenox plate with the pair of birds once belonged to his aunt whose house we now enjoy. This week has passed quickly...keeping two grandsons may have had something to do with it. Actually it is hard to grasp that half of 2009 is almost gone...why is time in high speed...???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GMTA!..that's the exact same subject line I used in an email to my Mom today the flowers..sooo beautiful!..sweeet bird too


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