This is the first week of school for the children in our area. Gunner has his freshman year ahead of him, and Nicolas is now a fourth grader. Lucas starts up kindergarten this Wednesday and Friday. Of course, at this time of the year I think of my teaching days and recall students, experiences, and responsibilities. I'm very thankful for my 33 years as a teacher but certainly appreciate retirement.
The utility room is where I keep some of my school mementos. The antique school bell was a gift one Christmas from T. K., and the stitched school scene was done by my mother.
The jar holds game pieces and magnetic letters from my classroom days. The stack beside it shows a small collection of children's books.

This set shows dearly beloved books. I read them many times to my different classes, especially Ellen Tebbits and Caddie Woodlawn.
When I first started collecting old things, this primitive basket was supposed to be for a child's lunch. Whether it truly was or not, I couldn't say, but I do know I have cherished it for a long time. The worn books beside it were offered to me by a former student. They are very old and coming apart.
I will always be a fan of Crayola products.There's nothing like the smell of a new box of crayons.
The poem below is one I would write on the blackboard and have my students copy in their best handwriting on the first day.
First Day of School
I wonder
if my drawing
will be as good as theirs.
I wonder
if they'll like me
or just be full
of stares.
I wonder
if my teacher
will look like Mom or Gram.
I wonder
if my puppy
will wonder
where I am.
-Aileen Fisher