I fulfilled a request for a set of tags featuring cats.
Orange is the favorite color of the recipient.
By the way, our recent visitor is staying close.
She likes regular meals and attention.
Naming her is probably next.
Amazon bookmark message
a couple of good reads I came across recently
a bird assemblage using moss, a real birdnest, and print shared by Dawn at The Feathered Nest

Summer heat has made it to Tennessee for the arrival of June tomorrow. Ready or not, the hot weather is here.
I just love all your work. Your studio sounds wonderful.
Luann Rice is a favorite of mine. Do you like Elizabeth Berg?
Happy Day!
Hi Joy,
Thanks so much...always nice to hear from you. Yes, I do like books by Elizabeth Berg. I have a few of hers in hardback and several that are paperback. Do you know if she has released a new book?
Happy June 1st!
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