I have been putting four leaf clovers inside small frames to give away as gifts. The clovers came from the yard, and the two frames on the right came from the antique store where I have a booth. I'm always on the lookout for such frames at bargain prices. I hope you had a great Fourth of July. We were at home and ate too much...ribs, hot dogs, and smoked sausage on the grill, baked beans, potato salad, and chocolate and lemon cookies. This week it's back to watching what I eat. Thanks for dropping by. Make it a terrific Tuesday.
...what a unique gift!
..have a wonderful Wednesday yourself :)
It is a wonderful gift. It will be more lucky for them and also very admirable. I read the story in one article i just wana share with u.
Raymond Curry, 20, was driving his Vauxhall Corsa when it overturned and rolled through a fence near his home in Cramlington, Northumberland.
He was flown to hospital still impaled on the piece of wood, which had missed all his vital organs.
Doctors later found the clover - a symbol of good luck - stuck to his back under his clothes.
Two other fence posts had pierced the wrecked hatchback car, but missed him by inches.
Mr Curry underwent surgery to have the stake and part of his bowel removed.
He said: "I know how lucky I am to be alive.
"I'd never even seen a four-leaf clover until this happened, so it was good timing I suppose."
Paramedic Jane Peacock, from the Great North Air Ambulance, treated Mr Curry at the scene.
She said: "It gave me a good chuckle when I heard afterwards about the four-leaf clover.
"At the scene he was stable, but you do not know what is happening internally. I am delighted he has done so well.
"The fence posts had impaled him. He was absolutely remarkable as he was fully conscious."
The four-leaf clover is now mounted on Mr Curry's bedroom wall following the crash on 13 June.
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